A Simplified And Smarter Approach

Back to T² Health

Getting back to “T2 Health” means to start over after reaching a dead-end or failing to achieve the desired outcome. It’s the perfect metaphor for the current state of American healthcare.

Today, it’s clear; our healthcare system is mired in conflict and bureaucracy. Patients face difficulty gaining access to their doctors when needed, experience long waiting room times and rushed appointments, and greater financial burdens. The need for volume and expediency, as dictated by insurance companies, has shifted emphasis on how “fast” medical care can be dispensed. The unhurried environment of years past where doctors spent considerable time getting to know their patients fully, addressing every need, while building a relationship of trust, seems to be the exception rather than the norm today. This has caused the patient-doctor relationship and quality of care to suffer.

At T2 Health, we believe that the best course of treatment and care should be determined by the patient and doctor. Period. We’re tired of mountains of paperwork and battling insurance companies to get patients the care they need and deserve. We know you are, too.

We became doctors because we wanted to help people heal and live healthy and abundant lives, not to be administrators and push paper. That’s why we chose the name T2 Health, and our personalized approach that hearkens back to the past. Because sometimes, moving forward requires going back to “T2 Health.” It’s time to reimagine healthcare.

Direct Care

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Chronic health problems do not just crop up overnight, they take years to develop. At the same, true healing takes time and a commitment between doctor and patient. That’s why our Direct Care membership model makes sense.

No insurance. No bureaucracy. No barriers. Just you and your doctor for a flat monthly fee. Ultimately, that means we get to spend more time with you getting to know you, listening, evaluating, testing, treating – the real doctor-patient stuff.

At T2 Health, we make investing in your health simple, direct, and transparent. Just like it should be.

Interactive Care

Preventing, alleviating, and curing disease is the primary goal of medicine. Treatment is how we get there. We have to use the right tools to support our body’s own internal healing power. The science might involve traditional forms of medicine, or the latest advances, or a combination. The art comes in understanding the number of different complementary and alternative treatment methods available, and then considering the evidence and what’s best for each patient. Good medicine demands open minds.

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“The two sides of the coin – conventional therapy alone or alternative therapy alone – represent misguided medicine. Health professionals entrenched solely in one camp do their patients a major disservice. Smart medicine doesn’t choose sides.”

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